Liisa-Irmelen Liwata

Liisa-Irmelen Liwata is a Finnish-Congolese visual artist based in Helsinki, Finland. In her works, she uses sculpture and text to discuss the connections between body, land and language. Having grown up at the crossroads of several cultures Liwata is interested in exploring that point where being is overlapping.

She works mostly with ceramics in a painterly way, so that the images are created on the clay surface by pressing and sliding different colored clays. In it, the layered rolling of shapes is a combination of printmaking, collage work and finger painting.

Liwata is graduating from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 2024. She has a BA degree from Aalto University School of Art, Design, and Architecture in 2019, including studies at Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands. Her latest group exhibitions include MFA degree show “Kuvan Kevät 2024” at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki, “Perceive sea, dunes, mountains in move” in 198 CAL Gallery, London 2023 and “Solar Noon” in Taattisten Tila. Her videowork “Writing Tool” in the Generation 2020 exhibition was also selected as one of the critics favourites by the Finnish press (Helsingin Sanomat).